zaterdag 3 augustus 2013

Experimenting with parentheses and the fear of life.

I'm afraid I've come to fear life.
Pain is as intensive as a womans touch and both hurt the same.
Sound is amplified and constantly transmitted, only for 'my' ears to hear.
Television and radio are screaming my name.
(driving me insane)

I've never feared heights before when I was younger.
I've stood on many rooftops before,
but now my eyes hurt, no matter in what direction I look, and I can't take it much longer.
I fall down to my knees and crouch into a corner.
Afraid to live. (afraid to think)

So many things I think of, things I still have to try.
My body sinks in the tears my thought's create. As I sink,
something else emerges, something foul and without emotions.
It can not fear and it walks out into the world.
(like a zombie using my body)

the picture in today's poetic menu is from Donny Darko.
A cult classic that I'm very much a fan off.
If you haven't seen it yet, you can count on me, recommending you, to do so.

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